Apr 29, 2023Liked by Jenna

Beautiful. And something I resonate with deeply. Something that I have seen that’s helped me believe summer will come true has been a fallen tree that. It’s a massive Black Walnut that fell about a year ago and, quite frankly, it should be dead. But it’s not! It has lots of little green shoots that have broken through the bark and stubs of branches that have long since died have resurrected with the greenest of leaves.

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I love that. One of the common narratives about nature is that everything is fighting desperately for survival and just barely eking out an existence, and I'm not denying that at certain times and places, that can be true. But it seems to me (and your description of the tree makes me think) that life is so abundant and strong that it will burst forth anywhere and everywhere. At least in springtime in the mountains. :) Thanks so much for sharing, Garrett.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023Liked by Jenna

Well my names Ben, it’s the second of May and I’m in Georgia, I studied some plant recognition last year and this year walking through my back yard I’m beginning to see natural herbs I haven’t seen since last year. Also I’m a senior in highschool so I’m graduating this year so I’m on to new things, and I’m just discovering as an early writer The Rabbit Room, Square Halo Books, and the Anselm Society. So those are also kind of my spring flowers giving me excitement and good smells.

Also a bit of a Spring time poem:

“Patches of yellow and purple in a sea of green

Carpeted natures floor as far as eye can see

What beauty to behold

What wonder to unfold

That the one who made the starry skies is watching over… my life.”

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Thank you for sharing this, Ben! Your poem reminds me of Matthew 6. "Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" & "How much more will he clothe you..." This is a good time of year to contemplate that.

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May 4, 2023·edited May 4, 2023

It's very warm where I live, and the irises are blooming in the front garden. The grass has come up, green and abundant, eager to taste the warm air of spring. The trees are slower to follow, but in a few weeks their branches will be full of leaves.

Thank you Jenna for your beautiful writing!

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Thanks for reading, Zoe. I am also enjoying the growing warmth & greenness!

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